這資訊氾濫的年代,方和圓不一定是對立。《SQUARECLE》一反以往的創作方向,以故事敘述出不同的曲目:《Backspace》就以電腦上被遺忘的”backspace“鍵為靈感,道出我們的思維已漸漸套上現在流行的“delete”而非以往的“backspace”,一遇到意見分歧就直接“delete”,何不“backspace”一個,求同存異;《Hong Kong Family Story》陳述一個家庭倫常慘劇,反映一般主流傳媒和社會的迴響。當大家都議論紛紛時,誰又關心悲劇背後?點題之作《Squarecle方圓》審視日常生活的所見,反問聽眾何謂真相,應該道聽途說抑或換個角度思考。
Is it a square or a rectangle? Is it the truth or a myth? Known for their complex rhythmic structure, “SQUARECLE” takes the route of storytelling narrative to paint pictures for audiences: “Backspace”, inspired by the key we use on our computer on a daily basis, reminds people that sometimes instead of “deleting” others’ thoughts and disagreements, we should take a step back or we might be clouded by our subjective judgments;
“Hong Kong Family Story” tells a family tragedy and how the public, media and different stakeholders react towards this incident. The more you learn, the more you realize you are nowhere near the truth;
“Squarecle”, sharing the same title as the EP, directly confronts the audiences rather than blindly believing in everything we learn in our daily lives, we should learn to see things through a different lens and be open to opinions and comments.
唱片公司: Daymaker Creatives Limited
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